ProjectWise Deliverables Management Help

Notification Variables

Open a notification template and click the Insert variable button to insert any of the variables from this list below into the message.

When the email notification is generated, the variable will be replaced with the real value. If there is no value for the variable, the variable will be replaced by a space in the email notification.

{Acknowledgement due date}
{Additional requester's email}
{Additional responder's name}
{Additional response due date}
{Additional response request comment}
{Additional response requester's name}
{Additional review comment}
{Additional review document}
{Additional review due date}
{Additional review requester's name}
{Additional reviewer's email}
{Additional reviewer's name}
{Approval rejection comment}
{Approval request comment}
{Approval requestor's name}
{Approved Documents Ratio}
{Approved with comments documents ratio}
{Approver's name}
{Author's name}
{Correspondence name}
{Draft rejection comment}
{Draft review comment}
{Failure reason}
{Invitation URL}
{Issue due date}
{Issuer's company}
{Issuer's email}
{Issuer's name}
{Issuer's Package ID}
{List of contributing additional responders}
{Number of documents}
{Package ID}
{Package subject}
{Package URL - Portal + PWE}
{Package URL - Portal only}
{Package URL - PWE only}
{Participant's email}
{Participant's name}
{Project ID}
{Project name}
{Project URL}
{Recall comment}
{Recaller's name}
{Recipient's email}
{Recipient's name}
{Reject comment}
{Rejected/Approved With Comments documents ratio}
{Rejected documents ratio}
{Rejector's name}
{Response due date}
{Response requester's email}
{Response summary}
{Reviewer's name}
{RFI CC recipients}
{RFI main recipient}
{RFI question}
{RFI response}
{RFI response review}
{Sender's email}
{Sender's name}
{Transmittal Purpose}
{Will Not Respond Documents Ratio}